Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • Do your athletes mind you being there? If you didn't have the prior coaching connection with them, would you pursue swimming with a group like that? I trained with the college girls for about 18 months BEFORE I was a coach there (it’s sort of how the assistant coaching position fell into my lap). I coached there for five years and then retired (my wife’s word not mine). I kept away for a few years but just the past couple weeks wanted to mix up my training and the training venue so I reached back out to the head coach about dropping in from time to time. I definitely wanted to give a chance for most of the girls I had coached to graduate before I showed my face again. The seniors now I coached as freshmen. And the assistant coach who took my place was one of the girls I coached (and so I see some of “me the coach” in some of the sets she writes!). and the girls don’t seem to mind me. The younger ones who never knew me don’t pay me much of a mind at all. And the girls who I coached appreciate seeing me again (and trying to throw down against the “old” man).
  • Do your athletes mind you being there? If you didn't have the prior coaching connection with them, would you pursue swimming with a group like that? I trained with the college girls for about 18 months BEFORE I was a coach there (it’s sort of how the assistant coaching position fell into my lap). I coached there for five years and then retired (my wife’s word not mine). I kept away for a few years but just the past couple weeks wanted to mix up my training and the training venue so I reached back out to the head coach about dropping in from time to time. I definitely wanted to give a chance for most of the girls I had coached to graduate before I showed my face again. The seniors now I coached as freshmen. And the assistant coach who took my place was one of the girls I coached (and so I see some of “me the coach” in some of the sets she writes!). and the girls don’t seem to mind me. The younger ones who never knew me don’t pay me much of a mind at all. And the girls who I coached appreciate seeing me again (and trying to throw down against the “old” man).
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