Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    So, ~75K LCM a week. I swam out of my mind, but it was brutal. When we tried to do it the next summer, it just wore us down. Jeez PWB, were there kids who "coulda been a contender" but dropped out just from the harshness? Do you think the coach may have been a sadist? (both serious questions)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    So, ~75K LCM a week. I swam out of my mind, but it was brutal. When we tried to do it the next summer, it just wore us down. Jeez PWB, were there kids who "coulda been a contender" but dropped out just from the harshness? Do you think the coach may have been a sadist? (both serious questions)
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