Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • I had a coach in the early/mid 80s in high school who subscribed to the 'Animal Lane' mantra and the summer I was 16, we would do doubles MWF, triples on TTH and another single on Saturday. We'd be going ~12K LCM on our doubles days, maybe ~16K LCM on our triples and ~8K on our single. So, ~75K LCM a week. I swam out of my mind, but it was brutal. When we tried to do it the next summer, it just wore us down. These days, I aim for 15K SCM a week when I get up to steady state training and maybe get a few weeks in the upper teens, possible to 20K. I train for fitness and to race in the pool, along with open water (up to 5K in the summer) and this is more than enough. I have a number of friends who've done the monster OW swims like Catalina, English Channel, etc. and none of them train 14K a day. Hey, if that guy loves it and it brings him joy, more power to him ... but I can't see how that volume is desirable or needed from a conditioning standpoint.:bow::bow:
  • I had a coach in the early/mid 80s in high school who subscribed to the 'Animal Lane' mantra and the summer I was 16, we would do doubles MWF, triples on TTH and another single on Saturday. We'd be going ~12K LCM on our doubles days, maybe ~16K LCM on our triples and ~8K on our single. So, ~75K LCM a week. I swam out of my mind, but it was brutal. When we tried to do it the next summer, it just wore us down. These days, I aim for 15K SCM a week when I get up to steady state training and maybe get a few weeks in the upper teens, possible to 20K. I train for fitness and to race in the pool, along with open water (up to 5K in the summer) and this is more than enough. I have a number of friends who've done the monster OW swims like Catalina, English Channel, etc. and none of them train 14K a day. Hey, if that guy loves it and it brings him joy, more power to him ... but I can't see how that volume is desirable or needed from a conditioning standpoint.:bow::bow:
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