Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • There was someone with over 2000 miles swam last year. When I see the people who are already at 75, 100+ miles 15 days into the new year, I assume they are mostly open water and marathon swimmers. To get to the 1500+ marker in a year though these people are swimming twice a day, every day, 90ish minutes each practice. If I extrapolate out what I can do in 90 minutes, and did it twice a day every day, I would average about 70,000 yards a week so 3,640,000 yards a year or 2068 miles. That's assuming I do workouts. If I just swam straight for ninety minutes (shoot me in the face that sounds awful), the yardage would be higher. And I read back over this post and say, "yeah no way in hell that is happening." Personally, my body (shoulders, and really just the left one) wouldn't hold up to that kind of punishment for 365 days. Also my wife would kill me. Don't have 3 hours a day to devote to in water training. Yikes. Kudos to the people who pull it off!
  • There was someone with over 2000 miles swam last year. When I see the people who are already at 75, 100+ miles 15 days into the new year, I assume they are mostly open water and marathon swimmers. To get to the 1500+ marker in a year though these people are swimming twice a day, every day, 90ish minutes each practice. If I extrapolate out what I can do in 90 minutes, and did it twice a day every day, I would average about 70,000 yards a week so 3,640,000 yards a year or 2068 miles. That's assuming I do workouts. If I just swam straight for ninety minutes (shoot me in the face that sounds awful), the yardage would be higher. And I read back over this post and say, "yeah no way in hell that is happening." Personally, my body (shoulders, and really just the left one) wouldn't hold up to that kind of punishment for 365 days. Also my wife would kill me. Don't have 3 hours a day to devote to in water training. Yikes. Kudos to the people who pull it off!
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