Breathing -Diaphragm/upper ab pain/discomfort during fly set

Former Member
Former Member
To be honest I am pretty baffled by this. Maybe some of you have suggestions. I am an extremely strong butterflyer. Being 8 months post op (back surgery) I am really ready to amp up the training again. What I am having issues with is an annoying and mostly persistent upper ab or diaphragm issue most workouts. About 3 months ago, I was progressing and knocking out 200m sets, my times gradually improving. About 2 months ago, I started having this issue after about 50m during a set. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like after 50m, someone punches you in the gut. I feel like I can't breath deeply any more and kind of nauseous. Even if I push a bit. For now, I've just shortened up the distances to 100's and 50's with much more rest, and try and keep the speed up. About 10 or so days ago, I had a Tachycardia rate (recorded on the apple watch) once a couple weeks earlier during a swim. That was the third such event so just to be careful I had it checked out by the Doc. He figured it might be stress or caffeine otherwise it was just to be monitored. I cut back on my coffee and have not had anything since. I don't really think any of the above is related, but it's frustrating as the breathing issue is really limiting. I've been working on static diaphragm breathing to try and relax the muscles. No luck so far.