Fairly New Swim Parents Looking for Insight

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I have a 12-year-old son who is in his third year of competitive swimming (He's been in swimming lessons since he was 6 months old but never swam competitively until he was 10). No one in my family as ever been a competitive swimmer so I am still learning all the nuances of the swim world, even after three years into it. Given that, I am trying to educate myself on what is the typical amount of "coaching" a swimmer gets at this age (or any age really)? What I mean is, I know by this age they pretty much have their strokes down but I'm thinking there are still things that need to be fine tuned. So how often does a coach or assistant coach say, "Your arms are crossing over during your free, trying doing this to lessen that." or "Your arms need to shoot out right away during your *** so you glide more."? Is it typical to have swimmers at this age just swim laps with no input from the coaches other than what to do next? Any insight is helpful. I still feel like a fish out of water at times.
  • Oh, here we go with the feelings. That's probably the last thing that should be considered.............. Going to your coach and asking for lessons or asking for camps is some kind of insulting. If a family is asking this, it's a huge red flag. "Feelings" in this context means "opinion," sheesh. As for the private coaching. Wow. Just. Wow. Could not disagree more. Maybe there is a regional thing or something, but around here, they are common, from 8 year olds all the way to one of our kids who is swimming in the TYR Pro meet tomorrow (who has a lesson once per week). In some cases, the parents approach the coach, in others, the coach asks the kids. Any coach that gets offended by a swimmer who cares enough to want some private coaching is a huge red flag for me. And it ain't about "feelings," it is about giveacraps. FWIW, heard an interview with Neal Peart a day or so after he died. One of the best handful of drummers in the world. He still took lessons, even in his 60's.
  • Oh, here we go with the feelings. That's probably the last thing that should be considered.............. Going to your coach and asking for lessons or asking for camps is some kind of insulting. If a family is asking this, it's a huge red flag. "Feelings" in this context means "opinion," sheesh. As for the private coaching. Wow. Just. Wow. Could not disagree more. Maybe there is a regional thing or something, but around here, they are common, from 8 year olds all the way to one of our kids who is swimming in the TYR Pro meet tomorrow (who has a lesson once per week). In some cases, the parents approach the coach, in others, the coach asks the kids. Any coach that gets offended by a swimmer who cares enough to want some private coaching is a huge red flag for me. And it ain't about "feelings," it is about giveacraps. FWIW, heard an interview with Neal Peart a day or so after he died. One of the best handful of drummers in the world. He still took lessons, even in his 60's.
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