Can't swim with a pull buoy

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, I'm a 42 year old man and learned free style swimming last year. Recently I started to use a pull buoy in hope to gain a better sense of proper body position. However I found it extremely challenging for me that I almost couldn't swim at all but rather drifting in the water. I feel I couldn't rotate at all with a pull buoy between my thighs. Therefore I cannot get a proper catch and also I have difficulty turning to breathe ( sometimes I have to press water with a one arm in order to get my mouth above the surface of water). Is it something I'm not doing this right? Or it's just my body not flexible enough and it will get better if I keep trying it? Thanks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    You are not alone. I can’t either very well. It feels like my body is in a unnatural position even with the lightest one of the 3 sizes where I work out. I don’t use them at all for work sets, but I think they can be instructive for stroke work for me. Namely, I think that it reveals if you are wiggling at all bc the wiggle is amplified almost like skidding in a car on ice (buoy) vs dry road.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    You are not alone. I can’t either very well. It feels like my body is in a unnatural position even with the lightest one of the 3 sizes where I work out. I don’t use them at all for work sets, but I think they can be instructive for stroke work for me. Namely, I think that it reveals if you are wiggling at all bc the wiggle is amplified almost like skidding in a car on ice (buoy) vs dry road.
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