Qs about interval training for open water races

Former Member
Former Member
Hi everyone, In preparation for a 6k race next year, I've changed my training plan to interval training 3 days a week, Mo (20*100m), We (10*200m), Fr (5*400m). Currently I keep lowering the time it takes to swim one repetition. I have two main questions: is this a good strategy, to lower the time/ interval until I achieve a desired pace and after that to increase the number of repetions, aiming for race distance? What would be a better approach? For these 3 days of interval training, should I keep 100m/ 200m/ 400m intervals or should I increase to 200m/400m/800m? A better option? Cheers, Adrian
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Aswesome, thank you! I've already done some changes to my workout based on your comments. As soon as weather permits, I am going to do regular open water swims and add distance to my training. The 6k workout linked above does sound brutal and their times are fantastic. I'd need more than 2h to train that distance/ intensity, assuming I won't die mid workout. Thanks much for your comments and for taking the time to share your ideas.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Aswesome, thank you! I've already done some changes to my workout based on your comments. As soon as weather permits, I am going to do regular open water swims and add distance to my training. The 6k workout linked above does sound brutal and their times are fantastic. I'd need more than 2h to train that distance/ intensity, assuming I won't die mid workout. Thanks much for your comments and for taking the time to share your ideas.
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