F I N A swims 2019

It amazes me that swimmers now can break old "full tech suits "swims! I have been watching the nightly swims and see the effort being put into training for the events and the results. I'm not sure of some of the dq calls but, I'm not a ref at the meet. Sorry that Katie has been sick. I would have liked to see her 1,500 free swim.
  • not F I N A but, the nationals comment. The winner of the 200 men's *** did an obvious full dolphin kick at the finish if the race and the tv commentators said nothing!! If such a kick is seen and not called here - how was Lilly dq'ed for non simultaneous hand touch after video review???
  • not F I N A but, the nationals comment. The winner of the 200 men's *** did an obvious full dolphin kick at the finish if the race and the tv commentators said nothing!! If such a kick is seen and not called here - how was Lilly dq'ed for non simultaneous hand touch after video review???
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