Help! backstroke!

My backstroke is awful. I have no video to post presently, but I can tell you from seeing myself, I know that I am snaking really badly, wasting energy going from side to side and not having my hips and shoulders rotate as one. I've been mainly doing these drills: kob with hands at sides + rotation, 6k1pull, 6k3pull, 2R2L4alt. Have also tried holding a buoy at my ankles. I watched this video,, and came to believe I am making every mistake possible with my arms that is shown in the video. I can't feel where my hands are entering relative to my shoulders and I'm pretty sure I don't have enough elbow bend. Does anyone have any favorite drills I can work on to reduce my snaking? In a perfect world, I would like drills where I can feel when I'm doing something right or not. The only feedback I have now is the clock and it doesn't seem to want to budge. :frustrated:
  • It sounds like you at least have the idea of the rotation down, so, I might try some double-arm backstroke in there. That could kill two birds with one stone in 1) allowing you to better feel where your arms are entering relative to your shoulders and also relative to each other (uneven stroke is obviously a main cause of snaking), and 2) will force you to bend your elbows on the pull. Perhaps wear some fins so you don't have to worry about kicking as much and can focus on the top quarter of the stroke. You mentioned another one of my problems- I’m definitely uneven. I’m always swimming into the right lane rope. I’m so right side dominant I have trouble getting my left side to do what I want it to. Even on land! I’ll try your suggestion. Thanks!
  • It sounds like you at least have the idea of the rotation down, so, I might try some double-arm backstroke in there. That could kill two birds with one stone in 1) allowing you to better feel where your arms are entering relative to your shoulders and also relative to each other (uneven stroke is obviously a main cause of snaking), and 2) will force you to bend your elbows on the pull. Perhaps wear some fins so you don't have to worry about kicking as much and can focus on the top quarter of the stroke. You mentioned another one of my problems- I’m definitely uneven. I’m always swimming into the right lane rope. I’m so right side dominant I have trouble getting my left side to do what I want it to. Even on land! I’ll try your suggestion. Thanks!
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