Oversized Paddles

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Former Member
My swim buddy is doing long distance swims with over sized Michael Phelps paddles. Can this harm her physically ?
  • Generally, the size of your paddles should correspond to your ability and strength in the water, and the distance and amount of swimming completed with paddles should be carefully monitored. Swimming long distances with paddles, especially if those distances constitute the majority of your training, is usually not advised, but again, it depends upon the swimmer. Paddles are often blamed for shoulder injuries, and it's true that the large amount of resistance that some paddles generate can put pressure on the shoulder joints if they do not correspond with the swimmer's ability, but many times it may actually be the swimmer's stroke mechanics that is to blame. This is why it is so important to have a coach evaluate the swimmer's level and technique in order to best determine what type of paddles to choose, and how often. Hopefully your friend can do this. This article might be helpful for exploring the use of training aids such as paddles and pullbuoys and how they should be used! www.swimspire.com/.../
  • Generally, the size of your paddles should correspond to your ability and strength in the water, and the distance and amount of swimming completed with paddles should be carefully monitored. Swimming long distances with paddles, especially if those distances constitute the majority of your training, is usually not advised, but again, it depends upon the swimmer. Paddles are often blamed for shoulder injuries, and it's true that the large amount of resistance that some paddles generate can put pressure on the shoulder joints if they do not correspond with the swimmer's ability, but many times it may actually be the swimmer's stroke mechanics that is to blame. This is why it is so important to have a coach evaluate the swimmer's level and technique in order to best determine what type of paddles to choose, and how often. Hopefully your friend can do this. This article might be helpful for exploring the use of training aids such as paddles and pullbuoys and how they should be used! www.swimspire.com/.../
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