Oversized Paddles

Former Member
Former Member
My swim buddy is doing long distance swims with over sized Michael Phelps paddles. Can this harm her physically ?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    I recently read in a Facebook swimming group how someone used paddles to swim a 10k. I don't know the specifics, if it was in a pool, open-water, continuous, or anything else. After people posted concern, he had to re-post and defend how he felt fine (the next day), etc. I believe I was on the forum you mentioned. I tried to caution the swimmer about over using paddles and my advice was not well received. I can't figure out what he was trying to do by swimming this much with paddles. I doubt any coach or any experienced swimmer would think this is a good idea. Moderation is the key as mentioned by others is the way to go. Who knows what the limit for any one individual is, but I believe swimming 10K yards with paddles is well beyond the safe limit for most.:)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    I recently read in a Facebook swimming group how someone used paddles to swim a 10k. I don't know the specifics, if it was in a pool, open-water, continuous, or anything else. After people posted concern, he had to re-post and defend how he felt fine (the next day), etc. I believe I was on the forum you mentioned. I tried to caution the swimmer about over using paddles and my advice was not well received. I can't figure out what he was trying to do by swimming this much with paddles. I doubt any coach or any experienced swimmer would think this is a good idea. Moderation is the key as mentioned by others is the way to go. Who knows what the limit for any one individual is, but I believe swimming 10K yards with paddles is well beyond the safe limit for most.:)
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