Oversized Paddles

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Former Member
My swim buddy is doing long distance swims with over sized Michael Phelps paddles. Can this harm her physically ?
  • I've had some shoulder issues in the past and try to be careful when using paddles. I've gone back to primarily using only small Speedo paddles. Personally, I like doing pull sets without paddles, using only a pull buoy and an ankle band. IMHO, using oversize paddles overemphasizes the use of the hand, as opposed to using the hand & forearm together on the catch.
  • I've had some shoulder issues in the past and try to be careful when using paddles. I've gone back to primarily using only small Speedo paddles. Personally, I like doing pull sets without paddles, using only a pull buoy and an ankle band. IMHO, using oversize paddles overemphasizes the use of the hand, as opposed to using the hand & forearm together on the catch.
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