LCM Swimming LCM for a loooong time

Former Member
Former Member
Heya All: My regular coach is leaving our group & it is time for a change. I'll be going on Monday to another of our team's practice pools that has a great coach & workout group. Difference is that I've been swimming all short-course yards (SCY) so far and this pool is always configured long-course meters (LCM.) I've not swum in an LCM pool decades. More than three it seems. Any tips, comments, funny stories about making such a change? :) I know stamina is an issue that is critical and kicking becomes even more important. What else do y'all know about it? All I remember from my high school & college days was that at the beginning of summer season the pool looked reeeeealllllly looooooong.
  • So how are you feeling? Triceps feeling the burn? i envy your access to LCM all year. It always takes me about 10 swims to get used to it again, first day it’s no biggee, and then it’s downhill for a bit. But I LOVE Love Love long course!! You lucky lucky guy!
  • So how are you feeling? Triceps feeling the burn? i envy your access to LCM all year. It always takes me about 10 swims to get used to it again, first day it’s no biggee, and then it’s downhill for a bit. But I LOVE Love Love long course!! You lucky lucky guy!
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