"Stick a fork in me, Jerry. I'm done."

8100 meters in a 25 meter pool today. Oy! Dan
  • I feel ya, ForceDJ. When I worked in the US Embassy in Moscow I trained for my first 10k. One of the workouts I did was a pool 10,000. Problem was the pool was only 15m long. Yes, very dizzy with all the flip-turns. Oy! Yeah...I'm training for a open water 10k we're doing on Aug 3rd. I live on Aquidneck Island (part of Rhode Island) but the open waters haven't warmed up enough for even wetsuit swimming yet. As soon as they do... Dan
  • I feel ya, ForceDJ. When I worked in the US Embassy in Moscow I trained for my first 10k. One of the workouts I did was a pool 10,000. Problem was the pool was only 15m long. Yes, very dizzy with all the flip-turns. Oy! Yeah...I'm training for a open water 10k we're doing on Aug 3rd. I live on Aquidneck Island (part of Rhode Island) but the open waters haven't warmed up enough for even wetsuit swimming yet. As soon as they do... Dan
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