25 yards and 25 meters - where are we going with this ?

Former Member
Former Member
I've spent a little time looking over this site to find out how much I don't know about the current Masters Swimming scene. And also, what I might be able to do to become competitive. Something quite new seems to be races that are only one-length of a short-course pool. 25 Yards and 25 Meters. Where is the organization going with that ? Will they be considered for Top-Ten rankings ? How did it get started ? Old-N-Slow
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I have competed in a 20 yard pool. It was about turns, not swimming. Yes, there was-when I was young - competition in 110, 220, 440 yards, which seemed to replicate the metric versions of those events. I have no memory of an 880 yard event, but why not. Perhaps the 20 yard pool was an alternative for applications with either less space, or less cost ? Difficult to swim a 110 yard race in a 20 yard pool, but they did it. Just drape the "false-start-rope" across at mid pool, and judge the finish by who touches the rope 1st. What was the mile equivalent of 1500 meters, swum in a 55 yard pool ? 55 yards x 30 = 1,650 yards ~= 1509 meters Was 1500 meters in a 55 yard pool another "rope finish ?" I once competed in a 50 meter race at the pool on Coronado, in California. My time disappointed, until I realized that was an old 55 yard pool, which is LONGER than 50 meters. 55 yards = 50.292 meters.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I have competed in a 20 yard pool. It was about turns, not swimming. Yes, there was-when I was young - competition in 110, 220, 440 yards, which seemed to replicate the metric versions of those events. I have no memory of an 880 yard event, but why not. Perhaps the 20 yard pool was an alternative for applications with either less space, or less cost ? Difficult to swim a 110 yard race in a 20 yard pool, but they did it. Just drape the "false-start-rope" across at mid pool, and judge the finish by who touches the rope 1st. What was the mile equivalent of 1500 meters, swum in a 55 yard pool ? 55 yards x 30 = 1,650 yards ~= 1509 meters Was 1500 meters in a 55 yard pool another "rope finish ?" I once competed in a 50 meter race at the pool on Coronado, in California. My time disappointed, until I realized that was an old 55 yard pool, which is LONGER than 50 meters. 55 yards = 50.292 meters.
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