25 yards and 25 meters - where are we going with this ?

Former Member
Former Member
I've spent a little time looking over this site to find out how much I don't know about the current Masters Swimming scene. And also, what I might be able to do to become competitive. Something quite new seems to be races that are only one-length of a short-course pool. 25 Yards and 25 Meters. Where is the organization going with that ? Will they be considered for Top-Ten rankings ? How did it get started ? Old-N-Slow
  • Lucky you! We had four lanes, no lane lines, no blocks...and of course no goggles. Could hardly see the bus coming after practice on my way home as my eyes hurt so much from the chlorine. I never swam in the pre-goggle era, but my high school's pool did have just four lanes. We also had the added fun of having the diving team practice at the same time as the swim team. Luckily I always swam in a wall lane and didn't have to worry about being dived on!
  • Lucky you! We had four lanes, no lane lines, no blocks...and of course no goggles. Could hardly see the bus coming after practice on my way home as my eyes hurt so much from the chlorine. I never swam in the pre-goggle era, but my high school's pool did have just four lanes. We also had the added fun of having the diving team practice at the same time as the swim team. Luckily I always swam in a wall lane and didn't have to worry about being dived on!
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