Pool Time in Nassau, Bahamas

So this post dovetails from my previous thread about swimming in a cruise ship (specifically a Disney Cruise Ship). My boat docks in Nassau for a day. It may be my only chance at a real pool swim for the duration of the trip. Anyone have experience swimming there? I saw a lot of club teams when I searched, and used their “home pools” as references to make a map of pools near where the boats dock (I THINK, according to what I saw looking at Google Maps, that cruise ships dock on the northern side of the island). Anyways, I would really love to get a LCM swim in at the Betty-Kelly-Kenning Aquatic Center, but I haven’t been able to find much information on possible “open swim” times. Has anyone swam there before? Also any recommendations on mode of travel? Foot would obviously be best and cheapest, but if I swim at the BKK pool, it’s the closest I found at 5 km away, which is a little on the long side of I plan to swim (and I would also have to travel the 5 km back post swim!). Any recommendations or advice is appreciated, and for those also wondering about similar things for upcoming trips/cruises, I’ll be sure to explain how things went in my USMS blog.
  • Screenshot of return for Nassau, The Bahamas 11929 Dan Right. That was as far as I got. There is little to no information in their database for those locations. It was helpful for giving me a full map with pin drops for each pool so I could see how far away each one was, but the individual pools have little to no information :/
  • Screenshot of return for Nassau, The Bahamas 11929 Dan Right. That was as far as I got. There is little to no information in their database for those locations. It was helpful for giving me a full map with pin drops for each pool so I could see how far away each one was, but the individual pools have little to no information :/
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