Different goals for USMS ?

Former Member
Former Member
I have been away from masters swimming for years, and have recently signed up for this forum. When I left masters, the goal(s) of the USMS was all about competition swimming for masters-age swimmers. That seems to have changed first of accommodating tri-athlon folks - and that seemed to be slightly about recruiting. Then, somehow, it took a turn to a "learn-to-swim" direction. Now, the web site seems to be back to competition swimming for masters swimmers. How did all these changes come about ? Or: Have I a mis-perception ? Old-N-Slow
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I can say that out local team is focused on competition, open water, and triathalons along with fitness swimming. And like JPEnge wrote, the recent Learn to Swim program just happened and as I type this the distance events are getting underway at the first day of nationals. I think a lot of things are seasonal that way at USMS.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I can say that out local team is focused on competition, open water, and triathalons along with fitness swimming. And like JPEnge wrote, the recent Learn to Swim program just happened and as I type this the distance events are getting underway at the first day of nationals. I think a lot of things are seasonal that way at USMS.
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