Under what temperature will you start wearing a wetsuit?
Former Member
I'm very afraid of hot weather and prefer to swim in cool water. (unfortunately all triathlon / aquathon races, and all but one OW swimming race in my place are held in hot seasons where wetsuit is never legal, which for me is a great disadvantage especially in the run)
I'm seeing people wearing a wetsuit in temperature that I consider too warm for me to swim at race speed on skin, and wonder how don't they overheat in a wetsuit.
For a mile swim, what temperature will you start wearing a wetsuit, assuming little difference between air and water temperature and little wind?
mik -- I'm not so sure that you're going to get many responses/votes for your poll in this forum. The question/poll is probably better suited for the Open Water Swimming forum. forums.usms.org/forumdisplay.php
mik -- I'm not so sure that you're going to get many responses/votes for your poll in this forum. The question/poll is probably better suited for the Open Water Swimming forum. forums.usms.org/forumdisplay.php