500 free improvement needed

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Former Member
Need suggestions for improving my 500 free. A little background: 52 year old male. been swimming again for about a year. up to 3500-4000 6 times a week. 5'10", 172 lbs (down from 195 when starting:)). Went to first masters meet last weekend. happy with times except 500. wanted to go 1:15,1:20,1:20,1:20,1:15. Went a 6:52 instead. 1:13, 1:26, 1:26, 1:27, 1:20. so about 43's per 50. swam the 1650 and went 44.5's per 50. (24:14). 50 free was 28secs. Even after swimming a year, pulls are faster than swims. Usual workout is 1650 warmup, 5x100s on 2 pull (~1:11s), 5x100s on 2 swim (~1:13s), 1x500 kick, 12x50's IM on 1:15, 10x25's no breathers free/fly. breath every 2 in the 500. breath 2/3 on the 1650 (no legs hardly). high exertion difference for only 1.5 second difference per 50. personal bests were 49 100 free, 4:59 500 free at age 20. worried a bit about heart rate max. even though 52 no problem hitting 180 on tough sets (if I shorten rest on 100s). Is that too high for 52? I thought 220-age should be about max. started swimming with a masters group 2 weeks ago but can only go on Saturdays. I'm guessing shorter rest on the 100's. (all distances are SCY) Thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    thank you for the input. my resting pulse is nice and low now, usually 55BPM. Maybe for older distance swimmers that are in shape thats still up there. I've monitored my pulse / BP every day at work for the last year since starting again. top number down from 120-125 to about 105-110. bottom number from 85 to 55. triathlon guy at work says that's good. I did start swimming for Barb. Great coach. Beats me in everything:) . I will say hi for you. I just get the beatdown every Saturday AM though with her group since I can only make it once a week. She has lots of great swimmers. I do take extra rest between my 2x5x100 sets. Due to comments maybe I back w-up down to 1000, and do 3x5x100s on shorter intervals, few times a week do 10x100s or 15x100s instead. I liked the 1650 since I figured if I'm tired a little from the w-up, when I go harder I'd be less prone to injury. As Im reading more that may be backwards. I have wondered about position in the water. I put in my height but forgot the strokes per length. Right now it's about 17/25 yards. I get out past the flags on my turns. I do some catch-up drills to try to lengthen stroke, but has not changed anything yet. I do no dry land training yet. Ive watched the Dara Torres abs workout on youtube, tried them twice, and had a sore stomach for a week after. Maybe ab work to strengthen them would help position in water. (do you get to count walking the dog as dry land training when your over 50?) My heart rate at the end of each 100 is usually 160-165, and about 120 when I leave for the next one when I go on 2:00. The times I shorten the rest, like 1:45 or 1:30, it really goes up quickly at the end of the 100s. 5x100s on 1:45, split goes to 1:15-17, pulse 170 at end of each 100 5x100s on 1:30, split goes to 1:20-22, pulse 180 at end of each 100 I will shorten rest, length n x 100 sets this week. Thank you.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    thank you for the input. my resting pulse is nice and low now, usually 55BPM. Maybe for older distance swimmers that are in shape thats still up there. I've monitored my pulse / BP every day at work for the last year since starting again. top number down from 120-125 to about 105-110. bottom number from 85 to 55. triathlon guy at work says that's good. I did start swimming for Barb. Great coach. Beats me in everything:) . I will say hi for you. I just get the beatdown every Saturday AM though with her group since I can only make it once a week. She has lots of great swimmers. I do take extra rest between my 2x5x100 sets. Due to comments maybe I back w-up down to 1000, and do 3x5x100s on shorter intervals, few times a week do 10x100s or 15x100s instead. I liked the 1650 since I figured if I'm tired a little from the w-up, when I go harder I'd be less prone to injury. As Im reading more that may be backwards. I have wondered about position in the water. I put in my height but forgot the strokes per length. Right now it's about 17/25 yards. I get out past the flags on my turns. I do some catch-up drills to try to lengthen stroke, but has not changed anything yet. I do no dry land training yet. Ive watched the Dara Torres abs workout on youtube, tried them twice, and had a sore stomach for a week after. Maybe ab work to strengthen them would help position in water. (do you get to count walking the dog as dry land training when your over 50?) My heart rate at the end of each 100 is usually 160-165, and about 120 when I leave for the next one when I go on 2:00. The times I shorten the rest, like 1:45 or 1:30, it really goes up quickly at the end of the 100s. 5x100s on 1:45, split goes to 1:15-17, pulse 170 at end of each 100 5x100s on 1:30, split goes to 1:20-22, pulse 180 at end of each 100 I will shorten rest, length n x 100 sets this week. Thank you.
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