I am an amateur swimmer and have started swimming in the pool 2.5 years ago. I enjoy all strokes and swim IM. This last year i have trained hard and got to this time a week ago 2:41 200m im (25m pool). What would it take to catch ~ 2:25 ? What are the advanced techniques for an IM-er? I get a bit tired in the first 50m of butterfly and suffer a bit the backstroke exhaling part underwater.
Former Member
Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.
My instructor says that i am more of a distance swimmer. Here are the splits (~) : fly:33, back:43, ***:47, free:38. This way is more clear. My start is bad. I lose like 3 sec because of it. Left side of the body is much lazier than the right one. Working on that too.
Thanks again guys, i am really surprised getting all these suggestions and tips :) :) :)
In the next days i will post my videos and you can see in detail the stroke technique.
I must say that i am not from U.S but from Albania (eastern europe). All country has like 4-5 professional swimming pools. Very poor.
All the video material i have found or online network is U.S related. If i am getting any help why not get it from the best :)