Masters in Hong Kong & Taipei?

Happy New Year! I'm about to go on a two-week trip to Hong Kong and Taipei. I'd love to swim with the local masters clubs in both cities, but I'm having trouble finding clubs. The Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association has a roster of clubs that is 5 pages long and doesn't list URLs! I'm having a bit more luck researching Masters Swimming Taiwan clubs, but would appreciate any tips fellow swimmers may have! Thanks, Anne 安妮 P.S. I speak Chinese (Mandarin) 我會說中文 :-)
  • Give this search tool a try. They frequently list if the pool hosts a Masters team/club. I just typed in "Hong Kong" and it returned a few dozen pools (several pages worth), and I noticed one on the first page that listed a Masters team. Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    Happy New Year! I'm about to go on a two-week trip to Hong Kong and Taipei. I'd love to swim with the local masters clubs in both cities, but I'm having trouble finding clubs. The Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association has a roster of clubs that is 5 pages long and doesn't list URLs! I'm having a bit more luck researching Masters Swimming Taiwan clubs, but would appreciate any tips fellow swimmers may have! Thanks, Anne 安妮 P.S. I speak Chinese (Mandarin) 我會說中文 :-) I work in Hong Kong and there are few masters clubs that you can join, all on the island (not in any order): Fastlane Swimming (Wan Chai & Sai Ying Pun): Swim Lab Asia (The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam, sometimes in Sai Ying Pun and Wong Chuk Hang as well - this is a Swim Smooth squad): 26 Coaching (Chinese International School, Braemar Hill): Harry Wright International (South China Athletic Association, So Kon Po): Disclaimer: I am an HKU alumni and staff, and joining the squad training at Swim Lab Asia currently using member discount. The university 50 m pool is my favourite pool because it opens unheated in winter with few people using.
  • I live in Taipei now and as per my understanding, the local masters groups dont run any scheduled daily training sessions like in the US. If you find any, do let me know :). They have age group competitions and open water events that are listed on that Masters website. There are a lot of public pools and most of them are close to MRT (local subway) stations. So wherever you're in the City, you can probably find a pool within a 15-20 min mrt ride. Here are a few things I learned about the best times to swim in Taipei pools 1) Most public pools are open 8am-10pm 2) During 8-10am, Taiwan citizens older than 65 can use the pools for free. At this time most pools are crazy busy with extremely slow swimmers (35-40sec/25m) 3) They're also busy from 6-9pm with the after work crowd. 4) During 3-6pm some lanes will be occupied by students having their swim classes. But other lanes should be still open for lap swimming I tend to swim between 11-2pm, and 90% of the time have the lane for myself. Many of these pools also have seperate SPAs with super strong overhead water jets. This is probably my favorite part about pools in Taipei :D. I can get an amazing massage after every swim.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    If you are ever in Hong Kong, come swim with us at Fastlane! we train regularly at some of the best pools in Hong Kong. See you soon! Dominic I live in Taipei now and as per my understanding, the local masters groups dont run any scheduled daily training sessions like in the US. If you find any, do let me know :). They have age group competitions and open water events that are listed on that Masters website. There are a lot of public pools and most of them are close to MRT (local subway) stations. So wherever you're in the City, you can probably find a pool within a 15-20 min mrt ride. Here are a few things I learned about the best times to swim in Taipei pools 1) Most public pools are open 8am-10pm 2) During 8-10am, Taiwan citizens older than 65 can use the pools for free. At this time most pools are crazy busy with extremely slow swimmers (35-40sec/25m) 3) They're also busy from 6-9pm with the after work crowd. 4) During 3-6pm some lanes will be occupied by students having their swim classes. But other lanes should be still open for lap swimming I tend to swim between 11-2pm, and 90% of the time have the lane for myself. Many of these pools also have seperate SPAs with super strong overhead water jets. This is probably my favorite part about pools in Taipei :D. I can get an amazing massage after every swim.
  • WOW! That sounds like a fun trip snd swim. Make sure you mask up. How does that work in the pool area? let us know how the trip turns out when you get back.
  • If you are ever in Hong Kong, come swim with us at Fastlane! we train regularly at some of the best pools in Hong Kong. See you soon! DominicOh, man, I wish I had seen this back in 2018 when I was there on a quick business trip. I did get in a glorious swim, though, at Victoria Park Pool (see attached picture)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Next time! We have been training since 2014. Love to get a few more connections from visitors!
  • No idea what swimming in the time of COVID-19 is like - I went on this trip in 2019. I ended up swimming solo at public pools in both cities. The one I went to in Taipei had all these fun water jets for post-workout relaxation!