I am attendind the BSG again this year. I made it to finalls, which are at Harvard (long corse) It's a great meet it's fun you meet great people but I guess the thing is that since they took the master division away alot of master swimmers stopped going which is totally understanable concidering tht past 2 years I've swum against kids half my age. But If you love the sport this should not be to big of a deal. I still go, this will be my 3rd year. I talked to a gentleman from the BSG commitee and he said the more turn out or comments he gets the better the chance of getting what was taken away from us. So swimmers unite, it's really fun and a great expearence for all. Hey, even some of you with kids can bring them along to swim. So if you want to make a comment contact Gary at BSGgary@hotmail.com
I like swimming qualifiers its fun. I know they have timed trials at harvard but if you wanted to qualify before that should be your own choice.
Remember that one thing we need to do is keep things fair and consistent across the age group. (In fact, as far as I know, that's effectively a requirement under USA Swimming rules.) The biggest reason we would consider eliminating the tryouts for the older age groups is because we recognize that committing to two different swimming events, a month or so apart, is difficult for those of us with real jobs. We're recognizing also that it's difficult for a lot of high school-age swimmers with summer jobs.
I like swimming qualifiers its fun. I know they have timed trials at harvard but if you wanted to qualify before that should be your own choice.
Remember that one thing we need to do is keep things fair and consistent across the age group. (In fact, as far as I know, that's effectively a requirement under USA Swimming rules.) The biggest reason we would consider eliminating the tryouts for the older age groups is because we recognize that committing to two different swimming events, a month or so apart, is difficult for those of us with real jobs. We're recognizing also that it's difficult for a lot of high school-age swimmers with summer jobs.