Advice please

Former Member
Former Member
* Edit. This Coach is a very good coach but unfortunately she only coached our club for a few days which is why l wasn't able to speak directly to her. I am thankful that she was able to bring attention to my daughter's problem so that we can try and do something to fix it. My daughter started squad training 3 years ago and typically trains 2 to 3 sessions per week. Although she doesn't train a lot, she does manage to get State times for her 50 Freestyle and 50 Backstroke. So this year she has decided to up her training and commit to giving her swimming 100 percent. Now her issue is... her stroke rate is 38 strokes per minute. (And her new/temporary coach had an absolute fit when she told her to sprint the length of the pool and saw her "slow arms" The thing is, she keeps pace with the other kids and makes her targets but looks to be in "cruise mode" (like she isn't trying) This is the first coach to ever pull her up on it and lm at a loss that nobody has mentioned it before. The "temp" coach wants her to swim at least a 58.Is that realistic? Is it possible to change your swimming style that much?Would a swim temp trainer be a good way to get her to move her arms faster or is there another way 🤔 Feeling concerned
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    From what I've read here, efficiency is important in terms of stroke development, so if she's keeping up with the other kids at a slower count, she sounds like she's moving efficiently. I agree with Elaine about the coach's attitude. Is this coach new to coaching? New to coaching this age group? This is not an acceptable way to express to a player/swimmer/student that you want them to modify their technique.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    From what I've read here, efficiency is important in terms of stroke development, so if she's keeping up with the other kids at a slower count, she sounds like she's moving efficiently. I agree with Elaine about the coach's attitude. Is this coach new to coaching? New to coaching this age group? This is not an acceptable way to express to a player/swimmer/student that you want them to modify their technique.
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