I don’t know how to flip turn for backstroke! Help!

Former Member
Former Member
I just started training for a senior olympics backstroke event and I’m chicken to flip turn! I’ve watched the YouTube videos I’ve tried a couple of times but not good at it! What are the secrets and how do I turn if I don’t flip turn?
  • Do you have an issue with turning onto your front from your back, or with the flip itself? The alternative is an open turn - just touch the wall, turn around and push off.
  • Do you flip on freestyle? It is the same except that you must count strokes from when you pass under the flags and roll onto your front the last stroke to set up for the flip.
  • I wish I could do any sort of flip turn. I only started swimming seriously at age 68 (I'm now 70) and whenever I see those online videos, I think, no way my old joints are going to bend like that. I cannot go into a tuck, I have spinal issues. I tried it once or twice to no avail. Merely got water up my nose. Maybe it needs a lot more practice. One difficulty I have with backstroke is that sometimes I take 6 strokes from the flags before a touch, and sometimes 7. I'm simply not that consistent. Can I rotate and face the wall in the final stroke? Then how do I kick off to return to backstroke? Anybody have a video of that?
  • I have the opposite problem. I can't touch the wall while I'm still on my back. I have this huge fear of getting hurt. I don't do it gracefully, but I always turn to my front before approaching the wall. Which is most probably why I could never do a backstroke event. Well, never say never, so maybe not anytime soon. Are you having problems doing the flip turn itself or streamlining on your back after the flip? Took my a while to get used to that part. I still have to blow out some air from my nose when I do it and I always feel like I am running out of air before I reach the surface.
  • There are lots of instructional videos on flip turns. These should get you started. Once you've practiced them for a while, then let us know if you have any issues. As for the rules on a backstroke turn, you can turn in any manner; as long as some part of your body touches the wall (1 or 2 hands, feet, etc.). When you start your turn, if you roll over everything must be part of the continuous turning action. And you must be on your back upon leaving the wall.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    I haven’t flip turned at all, freestyle or back. I get the concept, but need hints on the mechanics. Like, how far from the wall do I start? Do I tuck tight or go deep? Am I going to get a nose full of water?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    I’ve just never really tried it. I want to and know I need to but I want to learn to do them correctly. If I open turn, are there any rules I need to know about? One or two hand touch or anything specific? Is there anything that will disqualify me?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    I just started training for a senior olympics backstroke event and I’m chicken to flip turn! I’ve watched the YouTube videos I’ve tried a couple of times but not good at it! What are the secrets and how do I turn if I don’t flip turn? I did an open turn at the senior Olympics during the 200 IM in my area. Now, in practice I do both open and flipped for backstroke. I reason why I did open in a race is your allowed only one freestyle turn to the backstroke flipped in competition . I sometimes do the flipped ok and other times float in or do too many freestyle strokes which gets you disqualify. Do an open turn if you feel your backstroke flipped is not up to power.