Masters Swimming after *** cancer surgery

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Former Member
Hi, I am a masters swimmer in treatment for *** cancer. I finished chemo a few weeks ago (I have been swimming through it although at a much lower intensity) and I am now heading to surgery. My surgery will be mastectomy with reconstruction plus lymph node dissection. I am trying to connect with other swimmers who have gone through this and were able to resume masters swimming. My doctors tell me I will regain full range of motion, but they are not swimmers, and I am not sure they understand what the full range of motion for swimming all strokes involves. I hope I am not alone on this! Please answer in this thread or send me an email or a private message if you are a masters swimmer and *** cancer survivor who has been in my situation or have heard of one and can offer some advice. Thanks in advance, LaughingGull
  • I see your surgery was 2 years ago. I hope you can share your experience with me. Like you I started with chemo and my surgery was 4 months ago. I opted for the tissue expander insertion at that time, not expecting to need radiation, which is complicating my reconstruction. How has your reconstruction affected your swimming? I will be getting back in the outdoor pool in a couple of weeks and I expect to be doing lots of slow drills to work on range of motion. I am not in love with my tissue expander as it sometimes pushes on the sternum and I can get muscle spasms in my pectoral where it is attached. I have not been able to locate any decent mastectomy swim suits on the internet in case I'm a reconstruction failure. The closest candidate is T.H.E. collection swimmer's back mastectomy suit with a clasp at the nape of the neck. It looks heavy in the picture. Ideas? JRP