Hi, I will be in Hawaii next September (2019). I would love to do an open water race while I'm there! Any island is fine, but looking for one in mid-September. Any ideas on good races that are generally held then? Thanks!! :)
Former Member
Thank you! I came across both these swims, but I think I'm going to be a weekend or two too late! Maybe there's something else out there - thanks!! :)
There are two but both I think are usually earlier in September. My mom and my dad did these back in the day and had a blast! (In fact my dad won the Waikiki Rough Water Swim in 1990 for 55-59 year old men)
Waikiki Rough Water Swim: www.waikikiroughwaterswim.com/index.html
Maui Channel Swim: www.mauichannelswim.com/description.asp
There's a 5k race on the North Shore of O'ahu on September 8, which might still be too early in the month for you. www.northshore5kswim.com. Looon Swim (Double Roughwater) is on at Waikiki on October 27, which may be after you've left. www.longdistanceswim.com.