How can I do significant progress in crawl

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Former Member
Hi, I have question how to improve speed in swimming - in my case it is crawl ? I have been swimming for 4 years. Since 2 years in local Masters Team and for me it's strange that in age category around 60-70 they can swim 100m in ~1:15sec but I swim only in 1:25-1:30. Don't mention about top swimmers, for me it is too much different. I feel quite fit and strong - 44 of age. Where is the most problem ? I guess - technique, but recently I feel much better catch and pull, but it is still too slow swimming. Even for 25m it is max 17:80sec from water start. What is the best training plan for crawl ? More swimming or swimming and the gym ? More mobility ( little problem for me ) ... ? Have I chance to achieve time close to 1 minute ever at this ege ? :) How ? Thanks in advance ! grzybek
  • I also started in my 40’s (41 and 3 months to be exactly) Watch videos of many different pros and note the things they have common, then find what you may be doing different (e.g., as mentioned, your elbows point down during the catch). Video yourself again and take note on what helps. Practice drills. Do 25m hand timed sprints. You can always upload more videos for additional suggestions if needed. If you haven’t already, practice the other strokes. Definitely avoid anything leading to discomfort or irritation in joints. The training part itself is relatively very complicated, there are books available Maglischo “Swimming Fastest” is one, but reading it is more like studying for a course in college. Keep in mind the swimmers in their 60’s at 1 minute 100m may have spent 10,000 hours training in the pool dedicated to swimming fast. 10k hrs is 3x equivalent run time life of the engine in your car. You are doing quite good with just 4yrs. It’s a lot of effort, time, and there’s ups and downs in progress , but it’s good for you and relatively inexpensive.
  • I also started in my 40’s (41 and 3 months to be exactly) Watch videos of many different pros and note the things they have common, then find what you may be doing different (e.g., as mentioned, your elbows point down during the catch). Video yourself again and take note on what helps. Practice drills. Do 25m hand timed sprints. You can always upload more videos for additional suggestions if needed. If you haven’t already, practice the other strokes. Definitely avoid anything leading to discomfort or irritation in joints. The training part itself is relatively very complicated, there are books available Maglischo “Swimming Fastest” is one, but reading it is more like studying for a course in college. Keep in mind the swimmers in their 60’s at 1 minute 100m may have spent 10,000 hours training in the pool dedicated to swimming fast. 10k hrs is 3x equivalent run time life of the engine in your car. You are doing quite good with just 4yrs. It’s a lot of effort, time, and there’s ups and downs in progress , but it’s good for you and relatively inexpensive.
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