Hello everyone!
Newbie here...don't you just love us? ;)
I was on a swim team 2 years ago, but had to stop due to work over the summer taking too much time. And then I went off to college and CERTAINLY had no time then.
I just got a new job at a fitness center with a pool, so I'm going to be doing laps ALL the time now! I'm so excited! Ever since I stopped swimming, I honestly noticed that the way I felt went down hill. Big time. I'm so psyched that I can swim again!
Today (6/12) will be my first day starting back up. Can you tell I'm excited? It's 2AM and I'm WIDE awake!!! It's going to be tough getting back into it...I'm out of shape. :(
My workout for today is as follows:
Cooldown same as warmup.
And there you have it. It'll prolly kill me, but oh well. I always loved doing long distance, so the 500 might not actually be a problem for me once I get above 200 or so...once that happens, I remember I was just able to keep on going and going and going... I did 2 miles once non stop...would've done more but the pool was closing. lol
I'm glad I actually found a forum like this! I'm looking to get back into competition, so joining the USMS is without a doubt on my agenda. I've been lurking for a bit and I can tell I'm joining a wonderful community of people, soon to become my friends.
Stay safe, and keep on swimming everyone!
EDIT: Anyone in the Richmond, VA area?
Former Member
Welcome back Matt...
Remember that Rome was not built in a day...Over the years I have watched many swimmers come back and push way to hard and first and lose sight of the fact that this can be a journey...as opposed to a destination. Listen closely to your body at first....
Again, welcome back...your going to enjoy a lot of great people here.
I just got back from swimming. I only managed 1500 yards. I couldn't do a 500, only a 200. Of course I know to listen to my body. :) That's why I only did 1500 total. It got easier as I went along, but I didn't want to push myself too much. I LOVED IT. I had SO MUCH FUN. It's great to be back. :D