Freestyle - Video Analysis

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Former Member
here I go again; Was doing a 10X50yd on :50 (video is truncated) Any comments? (i'm the one in the pink swim cap). Thanks again,
  • Arrieros, There are a couple of adjustments you might consider making: a) As Glenn commented, your head position when you are swimming is much too low. There are times when your head is completely underwater instead of in-line with the rest of your body. Not only does this cause drag, it puts you in a position that is not good for pulling strength. I coach swimmers to have the water line somewhere between the forehead hairline and the top of your head - closer to the hairline. If you cannot figure out the head position I describe, looking forward is better than what you are doing now (IMO). b) Next, it looks a little like you are working on pushing your hips up slightly which is a current freestyle technique that I don't agree with because it makes rotation much more difficult. When rotation is difficult, so is kicking and finishing your stroke. The result is arms and legs working without being connected through the core. If you are doing this, try to be more like "superman" (in yoga) - you should feel a little tension in your lower back to accomplish this. Have someone watch - if your butt is more out of the water than in, your hips are too high which leads to, what I call, "bubble butt." c) Once body position is adjusted, you will be able to work on your pulling pattern. In the video, your pulling pattern is entirely "outside" your body and the finish of your pull shows your hand to be moving away from the body. This results in early rotation during the pull as well as some fish-tailing (aka swiveling). Your thumb should be very close to touching your thigh at the end of the stroke before you recover. d) There are several schools of thought about when to rotate. I believe in rotating the hips towards the end of the pull. Others advocate earlier hip rotation which requires a much strong kick and results in a pull pattern more outside the body mid-line. The other swimmers in your video tend to rotate towards the end of their stroke. e) As for the kick, once your body position is better, you can consider your kicking options. 2 beat kick does not use much energy and also will be a slower tempo. It is possible to 6 beat kick without getting tired if you keep the kick synched with the arms - hard for some people to do. Between Glenn's comments and mine, you have alot to digest. Side video would be helpful as well. Good luck
  • Arrieros, There are a couple of adjustments you might consider making: a) As Glenn commented, your head position when you are swimming is much too low. There are times when your head is completely underwater instead of in-line with the rest of your body. Not only does this cause drag, it puts you in a position that is not good for pulling strength. I coach swimmers to have the water line somewhere between the forehead hairline and the top of your head - closer to the hairline. If you cannot figure out the head position I describe, looking forward is better than what you are doing now (IMO). b) Next, it looks a little like you are working on pushing your hips up slightly which is a current freestyle technique that I don't agree with because it makes rotation much more difficult. When rotation is difficult, so is kicking and finishing your stroke. The result is arms and legs working without being connected through the core. If you are doing this, try to be more like "superman" (in yoga) - you should feel a little tension in your lower back to accomplish this. Have someone watch - if your butt is more out of the water than in, your hips are too high which leads to, what I call, "bubble butt." c) Once body position is adjusted, you will be able to work on your pulling pattern. In the video, your pulling pattern is entirely "outside" your body and the finish of your pull shows your hand to be moving away from the body. This results in early rotation during the pull as well as some fish-tailing (aka swiveling). Your thumb should be very close to touching your thigh at the end of the stroke before you recover. d) There are several schools of thought about when to rotate. I believe in rotating the hips towards the end of the pull. Others advocate earlier hip rotation which requires a much strong kick and results in a pull pattern more outside the body mid-line. The other swimmers in your video tend to rotate towards the end of their stroke. e) As for the kick, once your body position is better, you can consider your kicking options. 2 beat kick does not use much energy and also will be a slower tempo. It is possible to 6 beat kick without getting tired if you keep the kick synched with the arms - hard for some people to do. Between Glenn's comments and mine, you have alot to digest. Side video would be helpful as well. Good luck
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