For those who swim more than one stroke, do the differences in these times seem about average?
50 yards from a push:
Freestyle - :33/34
Backstroke - :37
Breaststroke - :46/47
Butterfly - :35
Any feedback is appreciated!
Have you tried the early dolphin kick in your pullout? Are you faster with the dolphin during the pulldown?
I know this is resurrecting an old thread, but Allen, this tip/catalyst for change was the single biggest thing that affected my National meet. I KILLED my breaststroke underwaters.
Have you tried the early dolphin kick in your pullout? Are you faster with the dolphin during the pulldown?
I know this is resurrecting an old thread, but Allen, this tip/catalyst for change was the single biggest thing that affected my National meet. I KILLED my breaststroke underwaters.