Time differentials between strokes

Former Member
Former Member
For those who swim more than one stroke, do the differences in these times seem about average? 50 yards from a push: Freestyle - :33/34 Backstroke - :37 Breaststroke - :46/47 Butterfly - :35 Any feedback is appreciated!
  • You can click here to compare collective masters swimmers time differences between strokes. I just did a little search out of curiosity. By taking the middle time (i.e. the 250th ranking time out of 500) for each stroke of the 50-54 male SCY swims last season respective to free. Heh. Mine look crazy. I must not be a freestyler comparatively. Which I guess I kinda already knew. Free 1.00 Back 1.08 Fly 1.04 *** 1.23 I swim by myself pretty much, have taken the odd swimming lesson here and there with a coach but nothing consistent. I did swim recently with a gentleman who only swims breaststroke (capable of :40/50yd) who has the flatter-style stroke with a really strong kick. Couldn’t emulate him though, but I can work harder at it. I might bust a knee doing it though. Do you take any video? You might try doing that sometime... You might see something stick out yourself, or you might share with the forum here or a coach elsewhere and they may see something.
  • You can click here to compare collective masters swimmers time differences between strokes. I just did a little search out of curiosity. By taking the middle time (i.e. the 250th ranking time out of 500) for each stroke of the 50-54 male SCY swims last season respective to free. Heh. Mine look crazy. I must not be a freestyler comparatively. Which I guess I kinda already knew. Free 1.00 Back 1.08 Fly 1.04 *** 1.23 I swim by myself pretty much, have taken the odd swimming lesson here and there with a coach but nothing consistent. I did swim recently with a gentleman who only swims breaststroke (capable of :40/50yd) who has the flatter-style stroke with a really strong kick. Couldn’t emulate him though, but I can work harder at it. I might bust a knee doing it though. Do you take any video? You might try doing that sometime... You might see something stick out yourself, or you might share with the forum here or a coach elsewhere and they may see something.
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