I'm 38 years old and started swimming for fitness about 3 months ago. I learned basic breaststroke in my late 20s but haven't practiced much back then.
Here is a video of my breaststroke swim.
www.dropbox.com/.../breaststroke 2.MOV
If I sprint, it takes me about 33 seconds for 25m and 2:27 for 100m. I can maintain 2:40 per 100m when I swim long distances like 1000m, without getting tired.
I have two modest goals - Swim 25m in 25 seconds and 100m in 2min. How do I quickly reach these goals? Is my problem my poor technique or lack of strength (I'm skinny)?
Thanks in advance.
Allen, the quick improvement is thanks to your excellent observation and suggestion :bow:
Further improvements might take time as my dolphin kick technique is also weak. Should I order long fins or short fins for my drills?
It looks like all the good swimmers (Merle Liivand and other Youtube videos) actually shoot their hands slightly downwards whereas I keep them straight, parallel to the floor. Do I also need to shoot my hands downwards?
Allen, the quick improvement is thanks to your excellent observation and suggestion :bow:
Further improvements might take time as my dolphin kick technique is also weak. Should I order long fins or short fins for my drills?
It looks like all the good swimmers (Merle Liivand and other Youtube videos) actually shoot their hands slightly downwards whereas I keep them straight, parallel to the floor. Do I also need to shoot my hands downwards?