If you have a free moment, please check out an article/proposal of sorts that I wrote for the USMS website. You can find it here: www.usms.org/.../articledisplay.php
I realize it's a bit lengthy, but I think it's an idea that could really help motivate swimmers to keep at it over the lifespan.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I'll be 70 in January and still improving. I didn't start swimming seriously until 67 when arthritis put a stop to my running. Took a couple stroke clinics at 68, and joined a masters team practice at 69. My times are not competitive since I'm still relatively new to the whole thing. 50y in 51 sec, 100y in 2:07, 200y in 4:30 and a mile OWS in 48 min. I'm quite certain that those times will fall this winter if I can get to a meet or two. So even though with an age-graded system, I would still score fairly low, I'm pleased with the progress I've made.
I'll be 70 in January and still improving. I didn't start swimming seriously until 67 when arthritis put a stop to my running. Took a couple stroke clinics at 68, and joined a masters team practice at 69. My times are not competitive since I'm still relatively new to the whole thing. 50y in 51 sec, 100y in 2:07, 200y in 4:30 and a mile OWS in 48 min. I'm quite certain that those times will fall this winter if I can get to a meet or two. So even though with an age-graded system, I would still score fairly low, I'm pleased with the progress I've made.