If you have a free moment, please check out an article/proposal of sorts that I wrote for the USMS website. You can find it here: www.usms.org/.../articledisplay.php
I realize it's a bit lengthy, but I think it's an idea that could really help motivate swimmers to keep at it over the lifespan.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
We need a thread from Ande on getting slower slower.
:lmao: Yeah, that's for sure. I'm only 55; however, I am feeling King Frog's pain already. :cane:
Hey, King Frog, I hope Jim's messages make you feel A LOT better about slowing down. Relatively speaking, you haven't slowed down at all! :banana:
We need a thread from Ande on getting slower slower.
:lmao: Yeah, that's for sure. I'm only 55; however, I am feeling King Frog's pain already. :cane:
Hey, King Frog, I hope Jim's messages make you feel A LOT better about slowing down. Relatively speaking, you haven't slowed down at all! :banana: