Survey for Swimmers

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, my name is Armaan Sood-Mankar. I am a senior at Eagle Rock High School in Los Angeles, California. I have swam competitively for the YMCA of the Foothills for over 9 years. Participating in an Engineering program at my school, my team and I have chosen to investigate and create a solution to an issue that swimmers face. We created a survey that will help us justify our problem. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Please help us obtain information regarding your experiences with swimming in order for us to complete the project successfully. Thank you!
  • Trying to do the survey, but, I'd suggest a couple of changes: On question #6, actually, for me, NONE of the 'problems' you list in question 6 are problems. Can you either make this question optional or have a response that says something to the effect of, "Swimming is a sublime and perfect sport; once I'm in the water, all is good with the world." On question #7, your 'max' number of years swimming is capped at 20. As you posted this on a Masters forum, you'll find that number is not enough. I'm a young Masters swimmer and I've been at it for 45 years. Question #9 - I think we need a scale to indicate what 1 through 7 means in the context of this question. Just my :2cents:
  • Trying to do the survey, but, I'd suggest a couple of changes: On question #6, actually, for me, NONE of the 'problems' you list in question 6 are problems. Can you either make this question optional or have a response that says something to the effect of, "Swimming is a sublime and perfect sport; once I'm in the water, all is good with the world." On question #7, your 'max' number of years swimming is capped at 20. As you posted this on a Masters forum, you'll find that number is not enough. I'm a young Masters swimmer and I've been at it for 45 years. Question #9 - I think we need a scale to indicate what 1 through 7 means in the context of this question. Just my :2cents:
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