hypoxic training: increase # of strokes vs. timed workout

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Former Member
Which approach to hypoxic training is better for distance swimming: increasing the number of strokes or trying to swim faster during the hypoxic set? Part of my training includes 500m (lcm), alternating breathing each length - 5 strokes one way, 7 coming back etc. This has become comfortable and I was wondering which of the two approaches should I use? increasing to one breath/ 9 strokes, i.e. doing 7/9 lengths keeping the 5/7 approach and try to improve my time for the set What are the +/ - of each approach? Many thanks!
  • Neither. If you are training to race you should train like you'll race. In any freestyle race lasting longer than about 45s you should breathe as often as you can while you are swimming. In a pool race that means every R or every L, whichever side makes you faster. In OW you might have to switch from one side to the other depending on conditions. The only way to feel comfortable breathing every 5 or more arms is to swim more slowly than you would if you breathed every R or every L. Why practice a technique that you'll never use and that could be dangerous?
  • Neither. If you are training to race you should train like you'll race. In any freestyle race lasting longer than about 45s you should breathe as often as you can while you are swimming. In a pool race that means every R or every L, whichever side makes you faster. In OW you might have to switch from one side to the other depending on conditions. The only way to feel comfortable breathing every 5 or more arms is to swim more slowly than you would if you breathed every R or every L. Why practice a technique that you'll never use and that could be dangerous?
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