I Cut Weight and Got Slower

Former Member
Former Member
I'm 48 and lost around 10 pounds over the course of the past year, went from 18% to 14% body fat as measured by a DEXA scan. I would have thought the weight loss would make me faster, but my typical 1650M freestyle time in a pool has gone from around 28 minutes to around 29:30, which is pretty significant. I've always had to either eat to perform or eat to lose weight. I wonder if I'm not eating enough, but am a little paranoid about putting weight on. I know that getting your body fat too low eventually hurts you, but I'm nowhere near that level which I understand to be single digits. I realize that by posting on a forum it's impossible to give all the variables (how much I swim, what I eat, when I eat, the list could go on forever), but it's really frustrating. Has anyone else experienced this?
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