Do you have a recovery strategy after tough workouts?

This is something I never really gave much thought towards when I was younger, given that as a teenager banging out 6k and 7k workouts, usually twice a day, didn't seem that hard. Nowadays though (late 30s), post-workout recovery is taken more seriously. Not necessarily because I want to get back to the pool ASAP, but because I don't want to be a human pile-up over the course of the day after a hard AM swim. For me, my recovery routine ends up including: 1. Always doing at least ten minutes of warming down. I feel noticeably better in the hours after a hard practice if I spend some time doing easy swimming at the end of my session. 2. Packing a post-workout shake and banana. Takes about ten seconds to do, and it's waiting right there in my swim bag post swim. 3. Hitting the pillows and blanky like they owe me money. Where possible, of course. 4. A scotch at night. Master's prerogative, as they say. What are you doing to make sure that you are recovering quickly after practice?
  • OP, late 30s? i dont even remember my late 30s...and i was still on part of my 20year retirement from swimming. Agree! i would say your recovery routine has a nice start. but we need more details actually. Agree 1) how much is your workout? pre-warmdown Agree 2) whats in the shake? and while a bananna is good food it isnt the "be all end all" of choices Agree 3) yes sleep is good...i need more myself Agree 4) you might want to consider a sip less Agree 5) other nutritional info would be good...including vitamins or meds Agree 6) DUDE! you are seriously missing out on the CHOCOLATE part! :bliss:this is key!!! It makes you go fast :D Primer Luger See comments above. ;)
  • OP, late 30s? i dont even remember my late 30s...and i was still on part of my 20year retirement from swimming. Agree! i would say your recovery routine has a nice start. but we need more details actually. Agree 1) how much is your workout? pre-warmdown Agree 2) whats in the shake? and while a bananna is good food it isnt the "be all end all" of choices Agree 3) yes sleep is good...i need more myself Agree 4) you might want to consider a sip less Agree 5) other nutritional info would be good...including vitamins or meds Agree 6) DUDE! you are seriously missing out on the CHOCOLATE part! :bliss:this is key!!! It makes you go fast :D Primer Luger See comments above. ;)
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