Salt Water Pools and Records

Someone told me salt water pools are now disqualified from USMS records and Top Ten eligibility. Is this true? I can't find any reference to this in the rule book.
  • kirk, let me just say that "your pool in question" is causing a stir and possibly a rewrite of the rules to include a specific salinity level! ;) we all know there is a huge difference between a bromine/salt fresh water pool and a sea water pool. now with that said, imho, if the bouyancy of salt water isnt allowed...can we get all the techsuit records removed as well since some of those were bouyant too! ;)
  • kirk, let me just say that "your pool in question" is causing a stir and possibly a rewrite of the rules to include a specific salinity level! ;) we all know there is a huge difference between a bromine/salt fresh water pool and a sea water pool. now with that said, imho, if the bouyancy of salt water isnt allowed...can we get all the techsuit records removed as well since some of those were bouyant too! ;)
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