National office staff

Are many of you as surprised as many in MOVY Masters that several office staff have resigned or planning on retiring ? Anthony Thompson, MOVY Masters
  • Are many of you as surprised as many in MOVY Masters that several office staff have resigned or planning on retiring ? Anthony Thompson, MOVY Masters ​Who does this include? I guess I've been in the dark on this.
  • The attached is from Dawson Hughes and Patty Miller. If you've had positive interactions with Tracy, Jim or Anna Lea, please them know! They have all been great advocates for Masters Swimming and great friends to me!
  • The attached is from Dawson Hughes and Patty Miller. If you've had positive interactions with Tracy, Jim or Anna Lea, please them know! They have all been great advocates for Masters Swimming and great friends to me! All three are very good, dedicated people. I am sorry to see them go!
  • They are great and we will really miss them. Best of luck to them.
  • I don't know Tracy personally, but I have had the pleasure of getting to know Anna Lea and Jim. From what I have observed as a member, all three did an outstanding job! :applaud: You all will be missed! :cry: Thank you for all you have done for USMS. :agree:
  • Rob Copeland, Thank you for posting the letter that went out to volunteers. I am shocked. Betsy
  • I don't know Tracy personally, but I have had the pleasure of getting to know Anna Lea and Jim. From what I have observed as a member, all three did an outstanding job! :applaud: You all will be missed! :cry: Thank you for all you have done for USMS. :agree: Tracy works out with our Sarasota Tsunami Masters team when she is in town. First-class person, besides being a super-talented swimmer. Wish her nothing but the best in her retirement!
  • Best wishes to all three, from all of us at Niagara LMSC!
  • Anna Lea was a great resource and mentor when she lived in Missouri Valley, and we were all happy to see her and Jim become a couple. Jim has worked for USMS and directed the direction of the IT service for many years. Tracy has been a long time employee and great asset to USMS national office. All 3 should be recognized for the years of service to this non-profit organization during the transition from an all volunteer organization to one with a combine professional staff, national office and still providing opportunity for volunteers to impact the organization. I hope the officers and leadership of the organization recognize the service these three individuals provided over the many years. They provide historical memory to the national office with only a few employees to the office we have today, smoothly transitioned through several changes in leadership, and we will missing their experience and expertise. We in MOVY Masters wish them well as the pursue other interests and employment. Anthony Thompson, MOVY Masters
  • The only positive of Jim and Anna Lea leaving is that I won't be threatened with forum expulsion as often. It's a big loss to USMS for certain. But, we got Butcher back on our team now and he keeps me in line. Today he tried to kick me in the face, Cheney style. He's an Aquatic *** Cheney.