First Meet - Last Minute Questions

Heading to Sewanee, TN in the morning for my first meet. Please keep in mind I have never participated in/attended a swim meet. Food: A good pre race breakfast consists of? What foods are good for the day (I swim in the first event and the last event so this will an all day affair.)? caffeine or energy gels before events? Contents of swimbag: I know all the basics to bring. Is there anything a newbie would not know to bring that he wish he had brought? Shaving: If so, what? I want to blend in with the other guys. Im ok with being the slow guy. I just don't want to be the slow hairy guy. Timing mats: I do not do flip turns. Is there a mat in the water I need to touch w my hand so my splits are recorded? If I touch the wall but not the mat am I a DQ? Diving: My local pool does not allow diving. Therefore, I plan on diving in from the edge of the pool and not the blocks. Any special rules about that? Long races: For the 1000 free, if necessary, can I go to an ugly/illegal *** stroke? If I use breaststroke do I need to touch the wall with two hands? Can I rest for a few seconds by holding on to the wall or ropes? Thanks in advance for any advise!
  • Heading to Sewanee, TN in the morning for my first meet. Please keep in mind I have never participated in/attended a swim meet. Food: A good pre race breakfast consists of? What foods are good for the day (I swim in the first event and the last event so this will an all day affair.)? caffeine or energy gels before events? Contents of swimbag: I know all the basics to bring. Is there anything a newbie would not know to bring that he wish he had brought? Shaving: If so, what? I want to blend in with the other guys. Im ok with being the slow guy. I just don't want to be the slow hairy guy. Timing mats: I do not do flip turns. Is there a mat in the water I need to touch w my hand so my splits are recorded? If I touch the wall but not the mat am I a DQ? Diving: My local pool does not allow diving. Therefore, I plan on diving in from the edge of the pool and not the blocks. Any special rules about that? Long races: For the 1000 free, if necessary, can I go to an ugly/illegal *** stroke? If I use breaststroke do I need to touch the wall with two hands? Can I rest for a few seconds by holding on to the wall or ropes? Thanks in advance for any advise! I'm no expert, but have done a few meets. Food - Don't try anything new for breakfast, and don't over or under eat. Your normal breakfast before a practice swim\workout is probably ok. Personally I always go for PB&J, but that's just me and might be too heavy for some. I also usually bring a banana and an energy bar for between event snacking. Also bring water. In your bag - you know the basics (suit, goggles, backup pair of goggles, cap), but also bring an extra towel or a sweat shirt to keep warm between events. Shaving - You will see a mix, some will and some wont. At local\smaller meets most (men) do not shave. Nationals might be another story. For me its not worth the effort, but to each his own Timing mats - usually just under the starting blocks, but sometimes at the far end too. They are big and hard to miss, but you wont be DQed if you miss them. There might be backup timers with stop watches in case you do. Hit the mat below the water level. Don't hit the top of the mat that sits above the water, it probably wont register. Diving - same rules apply diving in from the edge as from the blocks. There will be a series of whistles followed by "take your mark". Assume your starting position, stay steady and don't move until you hear the gun or horn. Official version found here - 1000 freestyle - free pretty much means anything goes. You are "free" to do any "style" stroke. But don't hang on the lane line, not sure if that is legal. Pulling on the laneline is a DQ, but accidentally bumping into it is OK. Good luck and have fun!
  • Heading to Sewanee, TN in the morning for my first meet. Please keep in mind I have never participated in/attended a swim meet. Food: A good pre race breakfast consists of? What foods are good for the day (I swim in the first event and the last event so this will an all day affair.)? caffeine or energy gels before events? Contents of swimbag: I know all the basics to bring. Is there anything a newbie would not know to bring that he wish he had brought? Shaving: If so, what? I want to blend in with the other guys. Im ok with being the slow guy. I just don't want to be the slow hairy guy. Timing mats: I do not do flip turns. Is there a mat in the water I need to touch w my hand so my splits are recorded? If I touch the wall but not the mat am I a DQ? Diving: My local pool does not allow diving. Therefore, I plan on diving in from the edge of the pool and not the blocks. Any special rules about that? Long races: For the 1000 free, if necessary, can I go to an ugly/illegal *** stroke? If I use breaststroke do I need to touch the wall with two hands? Can I rest for a few seconds by holding on to the wall or ropes? Thanks in advance for any advise! I'm no expert, but have done a few meets. Food - Don't try anything new for breakfast, and don't over or under eat. Your normal breakfast before a practice swim\workout is probably ok. Personally I always go for PB&J, but that's just me and might be too heavy for some. I also usually bring a banana and an energy bar for between event snacking. Also bring water. In your bag - you know the basics (suit, goggles, backup pair of goggles, cap), but also bring an extra towel or a sweat shirt to keep warm between events. Shaving - You will see a mix, some will and some wont. At local\smaller meets most (men) do not shave. Nationals might be another story. For me its not worth the effort, but to each his own Timing mats - usually just under the starting blocks, but sometimes at the far end too. They are big and hard to miss, but you wont be DQed if you miss them. There might be backup timers with stop watches in case you do. Hit the mat below the water level. Don't hit the top of the mat that sits above the water, it probably wont register. Diving - same rules apply diving in from the edge as from the blocks. There will be a series of whistles followed by "take your mark". Assume your starting position, stay steady and don't move until you hear the gun or horn. Official version found here - 1000 freestyle - free pretty much means anything goes. You are "free" to do any "style" stroke. But don't hang on the lane line, not sure if that is legal. Pulling on the laneline is a DQ, but accidentally bumping into it is OK. Good luck and have fun!
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