First Meet - Last Minute Questions

Heading to Sewanee, TN in the morning for my first meet. Please keep in mind I have never participated in/attended a swim meet. Food: A good pre race breakfast consists of? What foods are good for the day (I swim in the first event and the last event so this will an all day affair.)? caffeine or energy gels before events? Contents of swimbag: I know all the basics to bring. Is there anything a newbie would not know to bring that he wish he had brought? Shaving: If so, what? I want to blend in with the other guys. Im ok with being the slow guy. I just don't want to be the slow hairy guy. Timing mats: I do not do flip turns. Is there a mat in the water I need to touch w my hand so my splits are recorded? If I touch the wall but not the mat am I a DQ? Diving: My local pool does not allow diving. Therefore, I plan on diving in from the edge of the pool and not the blocks. Any special rules about that? Long races: For the 1000 free, if necessary, can I go to an ugly/illegal *** stroke? If I use breaststroke do I need to touch the wall with two hands? Can I rest for a few seconds by holding on to the wall or ropes? Thanks in advance for any advise!
  • :wave: Hi, Jamie! I'll be there at the meet, so I'll look for you. I'm doing the "800 IM Challenge", and I just noticed there will only be three people swimming the 200 fly (I'm the only woman). I guess that means only three of us took up the 800 IM challenge, and one of them is the meet director! Look for me in the international flag suit and the blue Georgia Masters cap. Here's my :2cents: on your questions: Pre-race food: ONLY eat food you KNOW will agree with your stomach-- nothing fried, spicy, fatty, etc. :eek: During the meet: A lot of people eat bananas and PB&J sandwiches. They work for me as do food bars that I know sit well in my stomach. Make sure to stay well-hydrated, too. Caffeine and energy gels are a personal thing, as is foods. It really depends on what your body needs and tolerates. Swim bag: -I bring anti-fog spray for my goggles. I make my own: 1oz. rubbing alcohol + 1oz. water + 1 drop of baby shampoo in a small spray bottle. -Extra towels to sit on; those benches are hard! -Camera, so my husband can video my races for post-meet feedback. -Highlighter pen to mark up my heat sheet. (I already studied the psych sheet, and I'm bummed my 55-59 age group is VERY slim at this meet!) -As others mentioned, extra goggles, extra cap, and extra suit, just in case... -Lock for the locker room lockers (you never know...) -If you don't have a swim parka, definitely bring something to keep warm. Yes, it's hot and humid in many natatoriums, but it's amazing how cold you can get sitting around in a wet suit with wet hair. Touch pads: Orca missed the fact you don't do flip turns. Just make sure you touch the wall at each turn. You won't get DQ'd if you miss the pad, but you WILL get DQ'd if you don't touch the wall at each turn. Diving: THE WATER IS ONLY 4 FT DEEP AT THE BLOCKS! I was surprised when I read that in the meet info., and it makes me nervous! I will evaluate the situation when I get there, but I will probably either do a dive from the wall or in-water start. Some people have fear of heights, but I have a fear of diving too deep and breaking my neck! :afraid: 1,000 free: If I were you, I would slow down your freestyle stroke, and rest at the wall if needed. (Yes, you can rest at the wall, but give the ropes a miss.) Wouldn't you feel like you accomplished more if you swam the entire race freestyle? That's one of the reasons I don't use breaststroke kick in butterfly (which is legal in Masters). See you in Sewanee!
  • :wave: Hi, Jamie! I'll be there at the meet, so I'll look for you. I'm doing the "800 IM Challenge", and I just noticed there will only be three people swimming the 200 fly (I'm the only woman). I guess that means only three of us took up the 800 IM challenge, and one of them is the meet director! Look for me in the international flag suit and the blue Georgia Masters cap. Here's my :2cents: on your questions: Pre-race food: ONLY eat food you KNOW will agree with your stomach-- nothing fried, spicy, fatty, etc. :eek: During the meet: A lot of people eat bananas and PB&J sandwiches. They work for me as do food bars that I know sit well in my stomach. Make sure to stay well-hydrated, too. Caffeine and energy gels are a personal thing, as is foods. It really depends on what your body needs and tolerates. Swim bag: -I bring anti-fog spray for my goggles. I make my own: 1oz. rubbing alcohol + 1oz. water + 1 drop of baby shampoo in a small spray bottle. -Extra towels to sit on; those benches are hard! -Camera, so my husband can video my races for post-meet feedback. -Highlighter pen to mark up my heat sheet. (I already studied the psych sheet, and I'm bummed my 55-59 age group is VERY slim at this meet!) -As others mentioned, extra goggles, extra cap, and extra suit, just in case... -Lock for the locker room lockers (you never know...) -If you don't have a swim parka, definitely bring something to keep warm. Yes, it's hot and humid in many natatoriums, but it's amazing how cold you can get sitting around in a wet suit with wet hair. Touch pads: Orca missed the fact you don't do flip turns. Just make sure you touch the wall at each turn. You won't get DQ'd if you miss the pad, but you WILL get DQ'd if you don't touch the wall at each turn. Diving: THE WATER IS ONLY 4 FT DEEP AT THE BLOCKS! I was surprised when I read that in the meet info., and it makes me nervous! I will evaluate the situation when I get there, but I will probably either do a dive from the wall or in-water start. Some people have fear of heights, but I have a fear of diving too deep and breaking my neck! :afraid: 1,000 free: If I were you, I would slow down your freestyle stroke, and rest at the wall if needed. (Yes, you can rest at the wall, but give the ropes a miss.) Wouldn't you feel like you accomplished more if you swam the entire race freestyle? That's one of the reasons I don't use breaststroke kick in butterfly (which is legal in Masters). See you in Sewanee!
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