PRs and avg improvement times

What do most people see as their PR's dropping in terms of times? It is a few seconds, more than 5, 10? Vic
  • RobH that's me too, but I would figure that others have taken a 5 year and 10 year list and made new PR's from that. The reason being is that no one is really going to be what they were in their teens. Well, if you didnt swim competitively as a youth, then you don't have teen times to compare to. In my case, my first swim meet was at age 41.
  • RobH that's me too, but I would figure that others have taken a 5 year and 10 year list and made new PR's from that. The reason being is that no one is really going to be what they were in their teens. Well, if you didnt swim competitively as a youth, then you don't have teen times to compare to. In my case, my first swim meet was at age 41.
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