Just back from my first ever swim meet. Swam the 50y & 200y free. The best I ever did in training for 50y was 54 sec., today 51.91. I swam the 200 at my everyday pace not wanting to stress myself, 4:27.43. I've never done a 200 even in practice except on the way to 500 or 1000. I was happy with that and was probably even first in my AG since I saw no other 65-69 in that event. Also met a couple other first timers there, one of whom had only learned to swim a year ago.
It was also the first time I ever got the chance to dive off a starting block. None of the facilities I go to will allow it, so I just did a few practice dives but dove in from the deck in the races.
I'll be 69 next Sunday, so I want to do the epostal hour swim for the occasion. Next pool meet is Mar 5 in Southern Saratoga County. Waiting to hear from ssumargo next.
NY Senior Games is June 16-17 in Cortland, which is pretty close to nowhere, about an hour south of Syracuse. It would be a 4 hr drive for me, maybe 5 hrs from Westchester.
Check the Shawangunk Masters in New Paltz. They may have a meet or two. We have one in Southern Saratoga County Mar 5, but it's probably 3.5 hrs from you.
Hopefully, there is a senior olympics event in your area where you can try for medals.
I did my 1 hour swim today, Feb 10. First time I've gone that long non-stop. 2275 yds (1.3 miles). I didn't bother registering it with usms. No need to pay $7 to be listed near last place. I was happy just doing it.
that's awesome!
Don't you get a free t-shirt though? Or do you only get one if you win an award? I wanted that t-shirt...
Was planning to do it this week, but then I got sick. I haven't been in the pool for 4 days now. And I don't think I will be able to go for another week. It will most probably take another week for me to get close to where I was before getting sick in terms of strength and stamina. This is what happens when I procrastinate.
What event will you be doing next?
I bought a USMS tee shirt and hat and hoodie and got the first-timer shirt at an open water event last August. I don't need anymore. Plus, I've run over 480 road races and have a truckload of shirts.
Go Sumo, cinc31003100 and ssumargo!! Way to go you all!
I am a slow handicapped swimmer, but I got to swim with a legend in the next lane of the 200 fly at the NOVA meet.
200 ***: 35 second PR
200 back: 33 second PR
200 fly: 1 second off my PR (stayed in the water because after a 5 min break I was in the same lane to swim the 200 free)
200 free: 12 second PR
200 IM: 15 second PR
and PR'ed the 500 the next day by 57 seconds! :)
Yeah my times aren't great, but I am at least improving. The sad part is I am trying to get the lifeguards to swim a 100 fly in 4x25 and they talk dying. :)
2nd meet done. Took off .8 sec in the 50y free. It could have been 2 sec, but had a terrible entry. Foot slipped backwards and I just belly flopped into the water with no momentum. Lost a second in the 200 free. No excuses. I was thinking later, having a whole hour between events, maybe I should have done another couple warmup laps.
Excellent!!! I mean on the races - and you can better that in your third meet. :) Things happen. We all have off days or off races. I'm glad for your PR.
2nd meet done. Took off .8 sec in the 50y free. It could have been 2 sec, but had a terrible entry. Foot slipped backwards and I just belly flopped into the water with no momentum. Lost a second in the 200 free. No excuses. I was thinking later, having a whole hour between events, maybe I should have done another couple warmup laps.
2nd meet done. Took off .8 sec in the 50y free. It could have been 2 sec, but had a terrible entry. Foot slipped backwards and I just belly flopped into the water with no momentum. Lost a second in the 200 free. No excuses. I was thinking later, having a whole hour between events, maybe I should have done another couple warmup laps.
50's and 200's are so different from each other. I was hoping there was a state meet near by but its in Goodyear two hours away, maybe they will have a meet this summer, if not I might tried the Polar Bear which is a masters meet next year and the senior olympics again in Tucson.