Coming back after hip replacement - a couple questions

I'll be starting again next week after seven weeks off after my major hip replacement. My healing is much longer than usual - it was a complex surgery since I was born with arthritis hips. What can I expect? I have a feeling flip turns are out. Will I be able I use my fins? Do breaststroke and fly? I plan on cutting the workouts our coach puts up in half and seeing how that goes. Anything else I should know?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    New to the forum and feel lucky to have found this thread by googling "breastroke" and "hip replacement." I'm a lifelong swimmer, never competed in H.S. or college but have dabbled in Master's on and off for the past 30 years. I am three weeks post first hip replacement (anterior approach) and my doctor just cleared me to swim. It's been months since I've been in the pool, and predictably have lost a lot of strength and endurance. Things were a bit tentative today as far as kicking, as I've already been chewed out once by the P.A. for walking too much after surgery, and I do not want to get crosswise with her! I made an adult decision to limit kicking to flutter kicks for now, and I realize I forgot to ask if and when I could do butterfly and breaststroke kicks. I wasted too many years unsuccessfully trying alternatives to surgery, with the result that things just got weaker and weaker and range of motion drastically decreased. I'm now having to claw back from that, but it will come in time. I am reading these posts with interest! As soon as hip #2 gets replaced in early October, life can really begin in earnest!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    New to the forum and feel lucky to have found this thread by googling "breastroke" and "hip replacement." I'm a lifelong swimmer, never competed in H.S. or college but have dabbled in Master's on and off for the past 30 years. I am three weeks post first hip replacement (anterior approach) and my doctor just cleared me to swim. It's been months since I've been in the pool, and predictably have lost a lot of strength and endurance. Things were a bit tentative today as far as kicking, as I've already been chewed out once by the P.A. for walking too much after surgery, and I do not want to get crosswise with her! I made an adult decision to limit kicking to flutter kicks for now, and I realize I forgot to ask if and when I could do butterfly and breaststroke kicks. I wasted too many years unsuccessfully trying alternatives to surgery, with the result that things just got weaker and weaker and range of motion drastically decreased. I'm now having to claw back from that, but it will come in time. I am reading these posts with interest! As soon as hip #2 gets replaced in early October, life can really begin in earnest!
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