Coming back after hip replacement - a couple questions

I'll be starting again next week after seven weeks off after my major hip replacement. My healing is much longer than usual - it was a complex surgery since I was born with arthritis hips. What can I expect? I have a feeling flip turns are out. Will I be able I use my fins? Do breaststroke and fly? I plan on cutting the workouts our coach puts up in half and seeing how that goes. Anything else I should know?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    MSK..... Thanks for your advice. I am an avid swimmer and diver / snorkeler / cyclist..... 52 years old..... Just had my Left Hip Replaced 5 weeks ago (Lateral cut). My surgeon told me I could swim after 6 weeks. I read on a different forum that I should wait nearly 3 MONTHS before swimming. I planned on getting into the pool beginning with my 6th week...... What has been YOUR experience with swimming WITH FINS? Any advice from swimmers??? I really really want to be back in the water ASAP...... I agree with those of you who are trying to be conservative but I am gaining weight and don't want to be so inactive....
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    MSK..... Thanks for your advice. I am an avid swimmer and diver / snorkeler / cyclist..... 52 years old..... Just had my Left Hip Replaced 5 weeks ago (Lateral cut). My surgeon told me I could swim after 6 weeks. I read on a different forum that I should wait nearly 3 MONTHS before swimming. I planned on getting into the pool beginning with my 6th week...... What has been YOUR experience with swimming WITH FINS? Any advice from swimmers??? I really really want to be back in the water ASAP...... I agree with those of you who are trying to be conservative but I am gaining weight and don't want to be so inactive....
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