I'll be starting again next week after seven weeks off after my major hip replacement. My healing is much longer than usual - it was a complex surgery since I was born with arthritis hips.
What can I expect? I have a feeling flip turns are out. Will I be able I use my fins? Do breaststroke and fly?
I plan on cutting the workouts our coach puts up in half and seeing how that goes.
Anything else I should know?
I'm not an expert BUT after 5 hip surgeries I tend to recover ok if I move back into the pool practice slowly. No BR kick for a while 6-8 weeks seems to be ok. Lots of pulling sets. Flip turns are ok with me , just watch the hard push offs!
I'm not an expert BUT after 5 hip surgeries I tend to recover ok if I move back into the pool practice slowly. No BR kick for a while 6-8 weeks seems to be ok. Lots of pulling sets. Flip turns are ok with me , just watch the hard push offs!