new years workout - be smart

please don't be an idiot and try 100x100s for the 1st time in your life this next week. all that ends up is major shoulder issues that take a very long time to heal
  • There's nothing wrong with 100x100 if you've worked up to it and are swimming on a realistic interval. I did it a couple times several years ago when I was doing 5k and 10k postal swims (so had the yardage under my belt). The local Y masters club is doing it New Year's Eve morning, and I may join them, but will adjust my distance and number of repeats accordingly. I don't know how it will be set up. If necessary, I will mix in some 75s if the interval is too fast for me or I want to do some back or ***, and certainly won't aim to do 100 of anything, probably hopping out around the n=25 mark.
  • you really didnt read the 1st sentance
  • you really didnt read the 1st sentanceI read your first sentance (that must be why you pronounce sentence like sentance in Texas) and I agree “There's nothing wrong with 100x100 if you've worked up to it”. If you haven’t done 100X100’s before it would be your first time, even if you have trained for it. Now if you are going from 2000 to 10,000; then, yes quintupling your workout can lead to issues. As with every practice, use good judgment and know your limitations, pardner.
  • please don't be an idiot and try 100x100s for the 1st time in your life this next week. all that ends up is major shoulder issues that take a very long time to heal ​Hmmm, let me guess. That's what you did to get TOS? :rolleyes:
  • nope not anywhere close. i have never done anything as stupid as 100x100s as a masters actually i dont think i have ever gone over 7000 as a masters and only over 5000 a handfull or so times....simply not needed as masters
  • My stupid New Year Day swim... 1 mile lake swim at 9:00 am. Forecast - Air temp forecast high 40's water temp 50F. No Wetsuit.
  • please don't be an idiot and try 100x100s for the 1st time in your life this next week. all that ends up is major shoulder issues that take a very long time to heal Somehow, I managed to do the opposite. I took a three month break, then over a two week span (of still not swimming) my shoulder went from painful to not being able to lift my arm at all. The diagnosis was calcific tendonitis and/or bursitis. First time in my life having any shoulder problems, so it seems especially weird after not even using my arms for much. There goes my SCY season in my new age group!
  • My stupid New Year Day swim... 1 mile lake swim at 9:00 am. Forecast - Air temp forecast high 40's water temp 50F. No Wetsuit. I saw Lynne Cox and told her of your plan. Her response: "Wimp! Wait until the air and water are cold." Dan
  • I saw Lynne Cox and told her of your plan. Her response: "Wimp! Wait until the air and water are cold."Agreed! It was a a bit chilly but felt great to get in the lake.
  • New year wish --- don't anything this year!!!